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99Panditji @99Panditji
24 days ago
A Guide to Hanukkah 2024: History, Customs, and Modern Celebrations

Hanukkah 2024 is a Jewish festival also known as the Festival of Lights. It is not only religiously significant in Jewish culture but also important from a social and cultural point of view. During this celebration, Jewish people not only follow religious rituals and traditions but also share love and sympathy. Also, the festival of Hanukkah strengthens the sense of collectivism, in which people come together to decorate their homes, enjoy food, and deepen their relationships.

The Hanukkah is an eight-day celebration that commemorates the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem and the eight days of oil. During the festival, families typically light the menorah and place a candle in the holder each night, in addition to offering prayers, singing songs, and enjoying special meals. Today, with 99Panditji, we will share some special things about this festival with you. Let’s begin.

What is Hanukkah 2024?
Hanukkah also known as the Festival of the Lights, is one of the most popular Jewish holidays, which take place during eight days and are dedicated to the celebration of an important historical and religious event. According to the dates of storytelling, it was around the 2nd century B.C. when the Jews wrestled control of the Second Temple in Jerusalem from foreign nations.
For more : #hanukkah #hanukkah2024

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